My philosophy
For me, the healing profession as a physiotherapist, osteopath and paediatric osteopath is an art of touch. Touching and allowing oneself to be touched are the basis on the path to recovery.
This vision has accompanied me in my freelance work for 20 years now and, after numerous training and further education courses, enables me to accompany every patient with a lot of dedication, individually and holistically according to the latest scientific knowledge.
I am pleased about your interest
Karin Brandl-Neudorfer
Practice for Physiotherapy and Osteopathy
If you don’t take the time to stay healthy, you need a lot of time to get healthy…
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Rooms for rent
Practice rooms for rent, also possible by the hour…
+43 (0)664 5618115

Physiotherapy is carried out by physiotherapists independently and on their own responsibility according to a doctor’s prescription.

Paediatric osteopathy
Since the developmental process is far from complete with the birth of a child, paediatric osteopathy with its specific techniques supports the free development of the child’s life energy and individual potential, it corrects blockages in structure and function and uses only the therapist’s hands for this.

Osteopathy sees itself as a complement and extension of orthodox medicine. The human being is regarded as a unit. All structures and systems of the organism are treated, Dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system as well as problems in the visceral or cranio-sacral area are eliminated by osteopathy..

In HypnoBirthing, a somewhat different birth preparation course, the expectant mother learns how, with the help of self-hypnosis and various relaxation techniques, she is herself able to experience her way to a natural, relaxed and, above all, fear-free birth awake and responsive..
How can I make an appointment?
For the benefit of our patients, we are not available during treatment. In this case, we ask you to leave a message on the mobile box. Please do not forget your name and telephone number so that we can call you back as soon as possible to make an appointment.